Welcome to The Layout #41. The substack about design that makes life a little easier with fun insights and key resources for you to level up. Welcome back everyone, It’s been a good week. Let’s get on with it
Don't get sucked by the mundane.
Sometimes life gets repetitive in the sense we perform the same tasks or participate in the same processes which could later become a problem. Now, what's funny is that these processes could be fun and exciting but create a pattern of thinking that is not bad in itself. The thing is you could get stuck in that mode of thinking when trying new tasks that require a different mode of thinking. It pays to break out of the mundane to have the flexibility to attempt new scenarios with different approaches and not get stuck in old ways of thinking. This could be changing your environment or looking for unorthodox ways to solve problems. It could also mean getting feedback from people that you don't feel can contribute anything. Life is dynamic after all.
MacGyver your way out
MacGyver was a popular show about a guy named MacGyver(duh!!!) who uses things in his environment to create tools, and gadgets to escape various situations or provide solutions to sticky events. You can watch some highlights on YouTube of his exploits. What I liked about the show was the on-the-spot evaluation of his environment to check what was available and make use of it even with certain limitations. We can apply this principle to our immediate situations. We want to accomplish some things that are way over our heads, the first step is to evaluate what we have and note it down. The second step should be a thought experiment which is "If I were to die tomorrow. how would I accomplish this today", this makes the brain start going into overdrive, and from there, comes solutions to situations that you least expected of. Phew!!!!
Designing better target sizes: A guide on how to design better target sizes. Click here to learn more
UI Challenges: This website generates a prompt for various UI design challenges Click here to check it out.
Random-animations: This website displays random animations with a single click. Check it out
Website Of The Week.
www.463w142.com/: A website regarding a real estate listing in New York. simple, subtle animations and great composition.
Have a wonderful week and keep creating. Please subscribe and share with your friends if you found this helpful. Thank you and God Bless.